Bhava 2.0 -— Jnana

 Jnana Bhava

Jnana, literally means knowledge. Since the time we are born, our mind tries to grasps knowledge by exploring the world that is beyond our own self. We use our 5 senses to see, hear, smell, touch and taste which helps us gain information of the outside world. But what about Jnana related to our own being? What is it that lies within us?
Our true potential will only be known if we look within ourselves. We have the capacity to achieve the impossible and be a better version of ourselves if we realize our potential. Jnana Bhava is to develop an attitude of gaining self knowledge, be it knowledge about the physical body or our mental being. We need to understand ourselves first to understand others.

When we talk about AHAR, it is important to understand what is beneficial for our body. Everything that we consume has an effect on us - Positive and Negative, physically as well as mentally. The food that we eat affects not just our physique and waist lines but also our state of mind. Therefore, Jnana of what kind of ahar is suitable for your body type, how much do you need to eat to maintain a healthy body and which food suits your body and which doesn't. This sounds very basic but unfortunately we do lack awareness about it.
According to Ayurveda, Our body constitution is governed by Tridoshas - Vatta, Pitta, Kalph.
We are predominantly made up of one or two of the doshas. Hence, we need to have the right knowledge about our constitution and food that impacts us.

Jnana bhava helps us realize and understand how to maintain good health. Right knowledge about VIHAR - adequate physical activity for our body, any form of workout, sport, dance, yoga has to be inculcated as a part of our lifestyle. Workout and diet are a part of your life just like your family and friends. We need to consciously find that time for ourselves and make an effort to convert it into a habit that you no longer struggle with.

When that habit becomes a routine - ACHAR, that is when Jnana bhava is truly accomplished. We organize and plan it accordingly so that we don't miss out on any of our day to day activities. We manage our time well and get productive. There are endless benefits to how this can help you, the struggle here is to start. So start somewhere!
For example - Start with sleeping at a particular time or eating dinner by 730-8pm. Change your lifestyle pattern and make it sustainable.

Overthinking is one issue I have struggled with and still do but I make conscious efforts to reduce it. We lack knowledge about our own VICHAR and eventually the wavering mind. The term “monkey mind” is so apt because we are constantly jumping from one thought to another and have no control over it. Jnana bhava is to develop awareness about this state of our mind. Pay attention to your thoughts, reflect and observe. That is the only way you'll be able to make a change in your thought process. To change a problem, it is important that you know there exists one. Most of us live in denial, we don't want to face a problem or a situation because it's just better to escape from it OR some make it look like all the problems in the world are happening to them and prefer wallowing in self pity. In simple words, this behavior is getting you nowhere. So, pull up your socks, don't entertain negative emotions and keep working on yourself. Listen to that voice within you which helps and guides you - discover more about your true self, you're much more than a job or the money you earn for a living.

Ask yourself, Who am I?


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