ACHAR is our behavior or way of conduct with people around us, known or unknown, animals, nature and environment. We are surrounded by humans of different background, origin, sex from different parts of the world. We come across people at work from our bosses to colleagues including the watchman at the office. We make friends while growing up, at a social gathering or virtually but we don't get to choose our family and that's something we live with. The bottom line here is we are in constant contact with other humans on a daily basis.
Now there are certain factors on which our society differentiates us on the basis of status, lifestyle, standard of living, education which also creates a certain difference in our individual values, ethics, upbringing, thoughts, actions, experiences from childhood - teenage - adulthood. Having said that, we experience the same 9 emotions (NAVARASA) at various levels depending on the circumstances and situations.
What are the these 9 emotions?
If you're an actor,dancer or a student of art, you will be aware about them.

Positive emotions

     1.  SHRINGAR — LOVE
Which includes the feeling of lust and love at various levels. These levels depend upon how strong or weak the emotions are.
This is subdivided into 3 other positive emotions which are it's extensions.

     2.   HASYA — HAPPY
Laughing at something or someone.
     3.   VEER — BRAVERY
Satisfaction/ Accomplishment/ Sigh of relief.
     4.   ADBHOOT — WONDER
Something which is unbelievable.

Negative emotions
     5.   BHAY — FEAR
This is subdivided into 2 other negative emotions which are it's extensions.
     6.   KARUNA — SORROW
Surrendering to your fear
     7.   RAUDRA — ANGER
Fighting your fear
     8.   SHAANT — PEACE
This is an emotion which is connected to a spiritual aspect.
There is a transitory emotion which is when we feel none of these emotions or also when we switch from one emotion to the other.

I specify on levels because one emotion has a series of levels which could also flow through other emotions.

For example - RAUDRA transitions to KARUNA

They aren't all just black and white, we experience mixed emotions just like how primary colors when mixed together create secondary colors. But this is the base of how every human experiences emotion in their lifetime.
Hence emotions remain the same even if you're a influential businessman or just a street vendor who can't read or write.
So dealing with the world in the right way is as important as dealing with self and body. We need to understand how these emotions are affected by our mind and everything that's happening in our life. How our behavior affects the other individual or how relationships don't work because we are too stuck up by our own idiosyncrasies.
Therefore, the factors that I mentioned earlier are responsible for our personality and individuality which give rise to EGO (Ahamkaar)
We give ourselves way too much importance and feel superior due to our intellectual knowledge or achievements. Our behavior changes with increase in knowledge and power which is directly proportional to Ego. As humans we need to care for others around us and treat them with love, respect and humility. We need to care for mother nature and take care of the environment we live in. You might be blessed in this life but that in no way makes you superior to another soul. We take each other for granted and live with no sense of awareness. Ego leads to Greed and we get stuck in this endless cycle of ME, MINE and MORE.
According to the Yoga Philosophy, the 1st step of Ashtanga Yoga which are called self-restraints or DON'TS help in lowering the Ego and keep us grounded.


As per definition, non violence against any living being wherein you don't hurt others physically or mentally. Most yogis are vegetarians because they believe in nonviolence towards animals but for householders like ourselves the essence of ahimsa can be realized by not hurting others in any way through your words or actions. There are times when we react and then realize which can be avoided if we are aware about our thoughts and behavior. If our mind is filled with positive emotions we are more susceptible to positivity.

Say the truth is easier said than done and we all have our versions of it. The challenge is to be true to ourselves and to others as much as possible. We aren't perfect but we can make conscious efforts to be trustworthy. It only builds your self worth and faith in people around you.

Abstain from stealing, stealing things to even the intangible actions. We always know when we are doing something wrong but we don't listen to that voice in our head and do it anyway. This includes taking credit for work that you did not do.

No sexual conduct - inappropriate behavior, eve teasing, rape.
There's always a debate about this and for householders practicing yoga who are meant to have families, sex becomes a necessity to move from one generation to another. It means that relationships are supposed to be dealt with commitment, love, acceptance and trust - instead of just being physically involved with each other.
Restricting yourself from collecting things that you don't require- materialistic possessions. We tend to hold on to stuff and get attached to it. Letting go of things that you don't need - collection of clothes or shopping for more when you know you're not going to use them.
YAMAs are practised for self improvement - when we follow a certain path, it gives us a direction to live our lives the right way, to change our attitude and become compassionate towards others. We change ourselves in the process consciously and become more self aware. These are guidelines that you can make an effort to follow in some way or the other. I try to consciously follow them as much as I can. We are not perfect but practicing yamas helped me become a better person and stay grounded. It has helped me get away from unnecessary attachments, especially to materialistic things, be true to myself, avoid overreacting and hurting others and most importantly develop a sense of understanding and compassion towards fellow beings. 


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